Qt Serial Port Driver

What is this project

                The QSPD project is a designed to be a cross platform interface to a computer's RS232 communications port.  This software is built to used in project that also use the Nokia QT platform signal/slot infrastructure using C++.

How to use this code in my project

                The 2 core files to use are QSerialPort.cpp and QSerialPort.hpp.  The source tree provided can be used as a external library or you can just copy the 2 source files into your project and use them directly.

                To start we first need to make an instance of the QSerialPort object.  This is done like the following:


QSerialPort *MySerialPort = new QserialPort();


                Once you have a QSerialPort object, you can now connect up its signals to your application.

                The QSerialPort object emits the following signals:

·         hasData()

o   gets signaled when the receiver thread adds anything to the receive queue for processing.

·         openPortFailed()

o   signaled if opening the requested serial port failed.

·         openPortSuccess()

o   signaled if opening the requested serial port was sucessfull

·         bufferOverflow()

o   signaled if the receiver thread notices that the receive buffer is over a threshold size.

o   1023 bytes is the default threshold.  Defined @ line 131 in QSerialPort.cpp


                Connect up the signals as follows:

connect(MySerialPort, SIGNAL(hasData()), SomeUsersClass, SLOT(processData()));

connect(MySerialPort, SIGNAL(openPortFailed()),SomeUsersClass, SLOT(openPortFailed()));

connect(MySerialPort, SIGNAL(openPortSuccess()),SomeUsersClass, SLOT(openPortSuccess()));

connect(MySerialPort, SIGNAL(bufferOverflow()),SomeUsersClass, SLOT(bufferOverflow()));


                Opening the serial port:

serialDevice->usePort( "/dev/ttyUSB0", Baud9600 , CS8, SB1, ParityNone );


·         dev

o   device to open as a ascii string.   examples: (windows)"COM1", (linux)"/dev/ttyUSB0"

·         baud

o   One of the following values as defined in QSerialPort.hpp

§  Baud300  

§  Baud600  

§  Baud1200 

§  Baud2400 

§  Baud4800 

§  Baud9600 

§  Baud19200

§  Baud38400

§  Baud57600

§  Baud115200

·         byteSize

o   number of bits in a rs232 transaction 5,6,7,8 bits values as defined in QSerialPort.hpp

§  CS8

§  CS7

§  CS6

§  CS5

·         sb

o   number of stop bits to use, 1 or 2 as defined in QSerialPort.hpp

§  SB1

§  SB2

·         parity

o   Parity used, if used at all

§  ParityEven

§  ParityOdd

§  ParityNone



If you need more help, Try email:  biovore@gmail.com